Staged Return to School Update – ALL student return fulltime from November 1st!

Staged Return to School Update – ALL student return fulltime from November 1st!

Dear Springside Community,

The attached schedule outlines an updated staged Return to School for Springside Primary School.

This week is the same as previously communicated. We will see our Preps only tomorrow on-site and the other year levels on their staged days as outlined in the attachment.

Today, Dan Andrews announced that all students can safely return from November 1st 2021.

Please remember, Monday 1st November is a Pupil Free Day and Tuesday 2nd November is Melbourne Cup (Public Holiday).

Therefore, we look forward to welcoming ALL students back on-site on Wednesday 3rd November.

We will take this opportunity to also thank you all for your continued support with our House Colour entry/exit points.

As previously mentioned, student siblings from the same family can enter/exit via the same gate. It makes sense that the older sibling safely enters/exits with the younger sibling/s via
their gate.

Return to School Update 24th PDF

2025 Important Dates!