Welcome to Springside Primary School

Unique Facilities

Food Tech & Kitchen Garden

Our Spade and Spoon Program uses our Food Tech Room to promote cooking skills for students across the school using produce grown in our School Garden. Our school garden is maintained by students and supports our community with Spade and Spoon Markets held twice termly

& Science Labs

A Science Lab supporting practical experiments for students across the school & A separate Robotics Lab supporting students during S.T.E.A.M. classes

Multiple Sporting Facilities

Featuring: Full size soccer field, small soccer field, full sized indoor basketball/netball court, 2 full size outdoor basket ballcourts, countess down ball courts, 2 very large playgrounds, sensory garden and ample shade access outdoors

Early Identification and Intervention for students with specific learning difficulties
Tailored programs to support the individual needs of students with and without a disability diagnosis

Why choose Springside Primary School?

We pride ourselves on offering the following learning opportunities so our students can live up to their potential 

Welfare and Emotional Learning
Communication and Student Growth
Junior Support
Synthetic & 
Phonics (decoding) 
Explicit Direct 
in Prep – Year 2
Better Buddies 
Program for Prep 
and Year 5 
Extra Programs
‘Master Classes’
for Intervention
and Extension
Science in the
Science Lab
 Cooking in
Food Tech

2025 Important Dates!